Jewelry Box

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A beautiful 12106.gif Jewelry Box containing an accessory. Using it gives you a random Accessory.


Item from Jewelry Box:

2617.gif Celebrant's Mitten [0]

2603.gif Necklace [0]

2603.gifNecklace [1]

2613-1.gif Diamond Ring [0]

2619.gif Bow Thimble [0]

2619.gif Bow Thimble [1]

2694.gif Rosary [0]

2694.gif Rosary [1]

2601.gif Ring [0]

2601.gif Ring [1]

2618.gif Matyr's Leash [0]

2605.gif Brooch [0]

2605.gif Brooch [1]

2607.gif Clip [1]

2602.gif Earring [0]

2602.gif Earring [1]

2604.gif Glove [0]

2604.gif Glove [1]

2615.gif Safety Ring [0]

2616.gif Critical Ring [0]

2659.gif Vesper Core 01 [0]

2659.gif Vesper Core 02 [0]

2659.gif Vesper Core 03 [0]

2659.gif Vesper Core 04 [0]

2701.gif Orleans's Glove [1]

2677.gif Spiritual Ring [0]

2654.gif Shinobi Sash [0]

2656.gif Armor Charm [0]

2716.gif Librarian Glove [1]

2717.gif Pocket Watch [0]

2719.gif Iron Wrist [0]

2789.gif Bradium Ring [1]

2788.gif Bradium Earring [1]